In emsländischer Tracht vor dem Heimathaus in Darme

Poelkers from the USA visiting Darme

written by Joachim Schulz, Lingen

Genealogy is gaining more and more followers in America. Family Tree Tours are particularly popular, as they involve tracing ancestral roots in the homeland. This trend is also apparent in our country. Members of the working group of Lingen family researchers at the Heimatverein Lingen learned about this when their spokesperson, Joachim Schulz, was asked if he could organize a program for visitors from America. Thanks to the dedicated support from HV Darme, HV Holthausen Biene, Schützenverein St. Sebastian Altenlingen, and Emslandmuseum, an interesting and captivating program was put together.

Tom und Liz Poelker im Heimathaus in Darme

The Poelker family descend from Altenlingen

The guests, Tom and Liz Poelker from St. Louis, descend from the Pölkers from Altenlingen and Holthausen, whose ancestors emigrated from Holthausen to America in 1867. On the mother’s side they are descendants of the long-established Strieker family of mill builders from Darme. And here Hans König and Walter Vogt were able to compile extensive genealogical data. Ingrid Korb led the group through the Darme district in English and with lots of detailed knowledge. The Darmer church, the historic chapel with the coat of arms and the Heimathof were visited. 
Kaufurkunde aus dem Jahre 1728

Historical document from 1728 attracted particular attention

Heinz Gehring, chairman of the HV Darme, took the opportunity to personally welcome the guests from the USA with a breakfast in the Heimathaus in the idyllically situated Darmer Heimathaus. With grace and in festive Emsland costume, Hanni Heskamp led the visitors through the exhibition in the Heimathaus. In the subsequent photo show by Joachim Schulz, the image of a document from 1728 attracted particular attention. It seals the purchase of an area four bushels of seed, which Berend Pölker acquired from the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm. This document is now in the possession of Heinz Pölker from Darme. 
Pfeife mit dem Familienwappen der Striekers

Hearth with the coat of arms of the Strieker ancestors

We continued past the old emergency church to house no. 17 in Darme, between the bridges. Here Gerhard Schröer presented a hearth from 1890 richly decorated with tiles. The USA Poelkers were enthusiastic about the old pipe of the Strieker ancestors. The well-preserved coat of arms of the Mühlenbauer family could even be seen here. The Striekers built and repaired many mills around Lingen and were significantly involved as master craftsmen in the construction of the choir room of the Schepsdorf church in 1874.

Bei Familie Schröer zwischen den Brücken

The former farm of the Striekers between the bridges

Both Poelkers were very moved and thanked the entire HV Darme team and Gerhard Schröer. In the afternoon, Joachim Schulz led the group to the origin of the Poelkers in Altenlingen and Holthausen. But that’s another story.

Photos by Joachim Schulz, Lingen

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